Sunday, September 28, 2008

Time for a Change

So the best Elizabeth Dole can come up with after 6 years in the senate are juvenile, cheap-shot campaign ads?? You’d think she’d be able to run on her record, but when you have no record, I guess you have to get “creative”.
Sarah Palin has come on the scene 8 years too late. She would have fit in rather nicely with the Bush-Cheney crew. She took Wasilla from $1 million in debt obligations to $24 million. The librarian was fired after she expressed resistance to Palin’s ideas concerning banning books. In Troopergate, Palin used her pull as governor to try to get her state trooper brother-in-law fired. By reversing her position and now refusing to cooperate, Palin is demonstrating that Bush-Cheney tendency to duck investigations. National newspapers have published stories concerning her personal vendettas while in leadership positions. Palin uses a yahoo email account as governor so her emails won’t become part of the official record (secrecy), and she hired childhood friends into leadership positions in state government regardless of qualifications (cronyism). The Alaskan Director of Agriculture is a former real agent with no education or first hand experience in agriculture. The United States has had enough of this kind of “leadership”.
Which McCain do we believe, old McCain or new-old McCain? Offshore drilling used to be bad, now it’s good; Roe v. Wade used to be ok now it’s bad, then, Jerry Falwell was bad, now he’s good; lobbyists used to be bad, now they work in his campaign. He, a former POW, even changed his mind on torture; he was opposed, then caved to support Bush. He no longer supports his own legislation, the McCain-Feingold campaign reform bill. Not only can he not keep his positions straight, he mixes up Sunni and Shiite, Iran and Iraq, Sudan and Somalia, thinks Czechoslovakia still exists and is not sure how many houses he owns. Republican senators, Bob Smith and Thad Cochran, Rep. John LeBoutillier, and other republicans he has served with have questioned his mental stability. He treats women rather poorly, including both his former wife and current wife, Cindy.
McCain-Palin really are more of the same – war without end, debt, cronyism, oil companies reaping record profits, and corporations before people. The United States cannot endure four more years of leaders without any care or concern for the future our children will live in. The 20th century is over; it’s time for a change.
That change is personified in Barack Obama. A proud Christian and family man, Senator Obama has achieved much in his life, nothing was handed to him, nothing was easy. He is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School where he was chosen president of the Harvard Law Review. After Columbia he went back home to help low income families in his community and, after Harvard, worked as a civil rights lawyer. His plan to cut taxes will help out Americans in need as well as the middle class. He has a plan to help the 40+ million Americans without health care, and his ideas concerning energy are practical and forward thinking.
Barack Obama has the right mix of talent, drive and compassion to lead the United States out the disaster of the last 8 years. We need a 21st century president with 21st century ideas, and with Senator Biden’s long years of experience in foreign relations to assist him, Sen. Obama can help our country reclaim respect and a position of leadership in the world.
Please vote Obama-Biden. The time has come, for change.

Thanks for reading.

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